The Awesome Forum

Intros/Leaving => Intro => Topic started by: TheAwesomeForumMan on August 21, 2013, 04:25:15 am

Title: TheAwesomeForumMan's Awesome Excellent Introduction
Post by: TheAwesomeForumMan on August 21, 2013, 04:25:15 am
Hello The Awesome Forum Community!

I'm TheAwesomeForumMan! AKA TAFM! AKA TAFMan!

I'm a Massive, Biggest, Huggest Fan of Poptropica! And Everything!

I been in Poptropica since 2010! 3 Years! And will be active forever.........

My Poptropica Character is.......TrustyPear! AKA TP!

I hope you like my posts! Why? Because they are cool and very very 100% Interesting!

See you around!

Yours Sincerely,